A diamond can be considered a girl's best friend only if it is authentic. Due to trying times, more and more people decide to venture into the retail of fake jewelry, particularly pieces that are made from diamonds and other precious gems.
There are several ways on how people can protect themselves from the many scams of the jewelry trade. The buyer's best weapon is to know exactly what he or she wants to buy before entering into any kind of deal with jewelers.
Indianapolis is only one among the many places that makes sure their jewelries are of good quality and that their sellers are credible. This ensures fair trade among jewelers and safe buying for customers.
When buying diamonds, in particular, people should pay close attention to what professionals like Indianapolis jewelers call the four Cs: color, clarity, carat, and cut. These criteria are by far the most important basis for any jeweler when it comes to determining the value of a diamond. Therefore, buyers should also learn the basics of these four indications. Color is the first thing people notice when they examine a diamond; the closer to white (colorless) the diamond is, the better. Diamonds are considered even rarer if they come in colors like blue, yellow, and red.
A diamond's clarity can be determined through flaw grades. Flaw grades gauge the imperfections found on the diamond. If the imperfections are within the diamond, these are called inclusions. On the other hand, imperfections are located on the diamond's exterior are called blemishes. Jewelers in Indianapolis often refer to charts to help them determine the imperfection grades of their diamonds.
Carat refers to the weight, and not the size, of the diamond. This is also another factor that affects the price of the diamond. Since larger diamonds are rare, they demand a higher price. Lastly, the cut of the diamond has a lot to do with the stone's appearance. Indianapolis jewelers say that the cut and proportion of a diamond have a huge influence on the way the diamond looks. A well-cut diamond will sparkle even if lighting conditions are poor. Buyers should remember these four Cs when shopping for diamond jewelry, to ensure that they get their money's worth.